Why And How Self Learning Is Important
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Why And How Self Learning Is Important

Advantages of Self-Learning In case you are not sure whether this is the best mode of learning, here are some proven advantages;• You Develop Strong Problem Solving Skills Self-learning gives you the ability to identify problems and quickly look for effective solutions on your own. This could be from colleagues,…

Successful Students Use These 10 Phrases
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Successful Students Use These 10 Phrases

Successful Students Use These 10 Phrases The words and phrases you use as you talk to yourself shape the way you feel. Your self-talk can make you feel discouraged, or it can lift you up. As a student, it’s important to pay attention to the words you use as you…

10 Proven ways to get teenager to listen to you
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10 Proven ways to get teenager to listen to you

10 Proven ways to get teenager to listen to you By applying these 10 tips, you’ll build a stronger relationship with your teenager. Over time, your teenager will go from not listening to you, to listening to you willingly! USE ACTIVE LISTENING TECHNIQUES FOCUS ON YOUR TEENAGER’S SPECIFIC BEHAVIOUR USE…

How to Study Smart: 15 Scientific Ways to Learn Faster
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How to Study Smart: 15 Scientific Ways to Learn Faster

How to Study Smart: 15 Scientific Ways to Learn Faster That’s how many hours there are in one week. If you’re a student, you probably feel like this isn’t enough. I know… You have so many assignments to do, projects to work on, and tests to study for. Plus, you…

40 Time Management Tips for Students
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40 Time Management Tips for Students

40 Time Management Tips for Students Everyone gets the same 24 hours each day. Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Isaac Newton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Leonardo da Vinci – they all had 24 hours a day, just like you and me. What enabled them to lead such significant lives? They managed their time…

How to Become a Top Student While Sleeping 7-8 Hours a Night
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How to Become a Top Student While Sleeping 7-8 Hours a Night

How to Become a Top Student While Sleeping 8 Hours a Night Students today are busy. Really busy. They have homework to do, projects to complete, extra classes to attend, and other responsibilities to fulfill. In this article, I’ll share with you the 11 tips to become a top student…

Aggressive behaviour of students in school
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Aggressive behaviour of students in school

How Can I Address Irritating Classroom Behaviors? > Provide fidget toys for ADHD. > Discuss behaviour in private. > Allow the student to daydream for 5-10 minutes after completing an assignment. How Can I Help a Student Who Avoids School Work? > Involve the child in the problem-solving process: “How…

Changing behaviour of students towards teachers
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Changing behaviour of students towards teachers

When preservice teachers or teacher candidates are asked, “Why do you want to be a teacher?” The response is commonly, “I want to be able to make a positive difference in the lives of my students.” Many teacher candidates continue to say they also want to be an effective teacher…